Jumat, 31 Juli 2009

Matlab is Beautifull

Matlab (Matrix Laboratory) is one of a very powerful tool in order to develop research in various aspects, especially in the technique. This tool can be used as an effective simulation tool, because it is rich in features that support a variety of processes pensimulasian process. Beside that also, Matlab Source Code available abundant ruah, whether officially provided by the software itself (in the form of a demo), and deliberately developed by others for various purposes of a simulation and testing process.

Things that make this tool is visible and powerful data processing capability is based matriksnya. Every variable or data will be considered as a matrix. Begitupun the data manipulation processes, all based matrix. This is very helpful for researchers, because as we know, matrix processing in other programming languages require the functions of relative more complicated.

Okay to start learning matlab, let's start from the most simple things.

To define a variable, we simply mengetikan following syntax in the command window:

Syntaxnya: = [; ]


Use a semicolon (;) to the separator between the lines, and use the space for the separator between the columns in the matrix components.

To include a comment, use the percent sign (%)


>> A = 2% Press Enter

A =


>> B = [1 2 3 4 5 6]

B =

1 2 3

4 5 6

>> C = [2 3 4 5 6 7];% end if a semicolon, the data will not be displayed

>> D = B + C;

>> Press Enter D%

D =

3 5 7

9 11 13

For other matrix operations can be tried alone, for instance *, -, transpose ( '), and many more others,,,

Beautiful eh? Seindah love the flowers that bloom in the garden continue to Garden,
(I mean seribet a C + + or JAVA getoo)

Continued ....

Jumat, 07 November 2008

Materi Kuliah

Ini link untuk mendownload kumpulan materi kuliah yang saya miliki, mudah-mudahan bermanfaat.

Materi UTS Alpro 2 [Dosen : Dedi Rohendi, M.T.]

Tunggu Materi lainnya, OK..

Kamis, 06 November 2008

Daftar Link Peserta Praktikum Desweb

Ini merupakan daftar link tugas praktikum design web [Asdos : Ahmad Tanwir].

Yaya wihardi - yaya-wihardi.net76.net
Irvan Riswanto - brunx.site88.net
Bramandityo - freezmeinster.co.cc
Reza Kurniawan - plastida.co.cc
Viki Adrianto - vikination.co.cc
Irfan Triana - pincipe.co.cc
Wizra Aulia - aulia.site88.net
Prastina D. Utamai - tinatina.net76.net
Miftachul Jannah - mj.net46.net
Maya Dewi Mustika - dee-m.ostric.org
Rahmandani - synysterhack.net63.net
Saepudin - gudama.co.cc
Fanni Saeful Ikhwan - sssssttttt.co.cc
Cecep yusup - cheyuz.awardspace.com
Septi Hidayati - marsseptemb.xm.com
Vina Tri Wahyuni - viyukina.co.cc
Iip Irfan Nulhakim - ipzelhakim.hostwq.net
Yoga Rizki Prayoga - stopeastwar.xm.com
Mira Suryani - miralucu.net46.net
Dwi Putri meliza - venimey.xm.com
Khaerunnisa - nisamachi.co.cc
Arfita - arfitaagusdinata.net46.net
Rahman Anggara - thebadhem.co.cc

Winprins - prince29.net84.com

Senin, 03 November 2008

TV Online

Sabtu, 20 September 2008

Bubar MIT : Naek Kereta "First time"

Kemarin, 20/09/08, MIT, salah satu UKK di ilkom ngadain acara buka bareng, bertempat di Ranca ekek.

truz apa berkesannya bwt saya ???

Yupz.... tepat sekali, naek kereta....
Seumur-umur saya baru pertama kali naek kereta, ya kemarin itulah, first time bo... mana suasananya pengap, lebih padet dibanding Bis Kota.. maklum lah naik yang kelas ekonomi, soalnya ongkos ditanggung pelaksana sich, he..he..

untung saja puasa saya gak batal, padahal udah gak kuat nahan tuh kemaren...

ini sekedar pengumuman saja sich, biar kalian pada tahu, sekarang saya dah pernah naek kereta lho....

udah ah, garing buanggetzzzzzzzzzzz